Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Health Fair and My Mother

So this is my mom. She was a stay-at-home mom for most of my childhood, homeschooled me in the days before the internet (which boggles my brain), made everything from scratch, and always kept a lovely home. Now my mom makes is a book-keeper from home, makes everything from scratch, and still keeps a lovely home. However, the woman who raised me did NOT like to shop. The shops available to us as a military family were limited and the clothes that fit my mother's petite figure were even more limited. So she very much disliked shopping. Well, thanks to the North Star Mall near her home and the White House Black Market clothing store, she now loves shopping! I actually went shopping with her this past vacation and I can totally understand why she likes shopping. :)
Another difference is the belly dancing. Yes, people. Belly dancing. The woman who insisted on one-piece bathing suits and no spaghetti-strapped tops belly dances! I know, Mom, I'll tell them... the dancing is done in a very tasteful way with nearly all skin covered by silk or lace or what-have-you, but still! It's just so funny to me.
Saturday, our first full day in Texas, my mom danced at a gig with her belly dancing group. She was willing to go to the health fair by herself, dance for about fifteen minutes, and then come home, but we all really wanted to see her do her thing, so we tagged along. I thought "health fair" and thought of the health fair that Brad attends, which is an educational event explaining his insurance options. I was happy to see my mom dance, but the fair wasn't that exciting to me...

... until I got there! This health fair featured booths selling raw yogurt, aerial yoga classes, quality essential oils, and on and on the list went. I could have stayed at the fair all day long! Too bad we're not filthy rich, because I didn't get to buy the juicer, raw yogurt, essential oil starter kit, or the handmade soap. I'm pouting right now. 

There was a produce stand selling the saddest peaches you've ever seen, but when Nathan ran up excitedly practically begging for the ugly things we just couldn't resist. So while I was denied my organic cotton shirts, Nathan got his weeping peaches.

And here she is, folks.

The kids were enthralled!
She even danced a solo to a RAP song! I nearly fell over.
Simon really liked my mom's veil...

...a lot.
Later that day we visited my parents' charming local library. Simon was overwhelmed with excitement.
My grandfather has two grand-daughters. Both have always loved to do his hair for him. The 'do usually ends up as a white mohawk on the top of his head. It makes us two girls very happy, but I guess my grandpa hasn't always appreciated our efforts as he wouldn't let me near his head all trip!
Nathan and Papi did "guy" things, like sawing wood for the fire. Did they need wood sawed in 80* heat? Probably not. One of the lovely things about grandparents.

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