Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Missing Tooth

Last night Brad tucked tired (and very active) children in bed, kissed them good-night, and joined me in the living room. Sigh... the sound of done. Twenty minutes later the bedroom door clicked open and a very excited voiced squeaked, "Mommy! Daddy! Guess what happened to my tooth!"

Alynna, who has lost two bottom teeth in previous months, greeted us with a bloody tooth in one hand and a very bloody new smile. That slightly wiggly tooth still had a couple of weeks to go before naturally falling out. Well, leave it to Nathan and Alynna to find a way around the slow and tedious obstacle that is "waiting". 

As it turns out, Nathan suggested she bite down on a rope he has in his bed. Now why he has a rope in his bed, I'm not quite sure. I asked him what it was doing in his bed in the first place and he began a lengthy explanation of lassos, which seemed a satisfactory answer to the cowboy/dentist-in-training.

Anyway. He suggested she bite down on this lasso he keeps in his bed and proceeds to yank the rope! The loose tooth meets a premature ending and the girl loses a tooth and a good amount of blood all in one night. Okay "a good amount" might be an exaggeration, but yuck!

She was so excited!

Later that night, when the Tooth Fairy bent down to trader the tooth with a one dollar bill, she was a little startled to find the little princess asleep with a thick bloody paper towel clenched between her teeth to stop the bleeding.

The next morning this is the sight this poor mother of aging children had to look at. She's cute, she has the slightest hint of a "th" at the end of many words now as her tongue slips into the "crack in her face" (as Alynna would describe it), she is growing up, and she is still surprised that the soft gum hurts when she bites.

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