Monday, July 27, 2015

The Very, Very Long Day

This summer has been our busiest yet. My first couple of summers with just Kaeley and before we attended Kings Harbor Church were painfully dull. I must be making up for lost time, because now we attend park days, the kids and I volunteer, we go to church events, and now, right in time for exorbitant gas prices, Kaeley joins youth ministry, which means lots of dropping off and picking up. It's been so packed with good things I'm now needing a vacation from the vacation.

July 14, 2015
Morning: Summer School
I have continued to fight for light school during our summer vacation in the hopes of finishing Math books and not losing the precious reading skills learned this past year. Even so we only averaged about two days a week of light school work. This past Monday I did light school before and after Vacation Bible School and the "light" school turned into drama and character lessons and hours of Math, and that night I decided we were done for good. In the words of Nathan, "That did not work!"

Afternoon: Cow Appreciation Day
We picked up two friends, dressed as cows, and were rewarded with free lunches.

We do this every year and every year my cow-self walks through the doors secretly terrified that I wrote down the wrong day and I will be the only woman in a cow costume. However, every year I am greeted by the herd and reap the savings with much relish... and honey mustard sauce. 

Afternoon: Seaside Lagoon
My best friend was going to Seaside Lagoon, and who am I to deny spending time with one of my favorite people, so we went to the lagoon as well. (This might be a hint into why my summer has been so freaking busy.)
My husband bought me this awesome cart that holds up to a hundred pounds of cooler, beach chairs, an umbrella, and whatever else you decide you might need while out of the house, so I packed nearly the entire house. I had quite the camp site thanks to my handy-dandy cart. Of course, when one of our party asked if I wanted to move to where she was set up I had to bite my tongue from saying, "Are you kidding me?" Instead I humbly asked, "Would you like to join me? I might have a kitchen sink you can use."

Look at that tall and lovely young lady. Sigh... 

My friend's baby. I'm a big fan. One day she'll either be a big fan of me too or she'll beg her mom to protect her from my crazy loving arms and constant kisses.

Evening: Torrance Police Station (by choice, thank goodness)
I dropped off the two friends, ate a picnic dinner in the car, and arrived at the Torrance Police Station just in time for our behind-the-scenes tour with a group of friends.

This is Kendra. She is one of my favorite young women and I love her dearly.

We've done a tour through the station a few times before, but this time we got to play at the gun range and the adults got a quick tour of the jail. The jail's drunk tank was enough to give me nightmares for a month!
Here's Brad shooting off a rifle.

The casings left all over the floor were great treasures to the young boys who weren't old enough to shoot guns. I was fine with this unique collection until a few days passed and a neighbor found a casing in the complex playground and a friend found one in her house and they were both quite startled with the discovery. Suspicious behavior? No, just a four and eight year old with deep pockets. The last straw was when Simon began using the metal cylinders as whistles. The collection has since oddly "disappeared".

Here's my awesome mother shooting off a taser.

Even more awesome is my six year old shooting off a taser! 

In the background her father and I were whispering, "Don't taze me, bro! Don't taze me!" But she didn't get the reference.

This is Kendra's sister, Brandi. I love her too.

Here's the group watching the light show of the police car sirens. Most of the kids were in the car pushing buttons and yelling into the microphone, "All parents must head to the jail now! All parents are arrested and the children are free forever!"

Even Later That Day: Foster's
Yeah, I might possibly have a problem saying no, but when someone I love asks if we want to join them... well, anywhere... expect that drunk tank... I'm going to say yes. I just love our people and I love being with them, so when we left the police station where else would we go except Foster's for ice cream.
My children were thrilled.

And this is how I felt when we were driving home...

...until I realized he was just being silly. (I don't know how children can handle so much activity with so much energy to spare.)

July 15, 2015
It only took me an hour and a half of washing dishes, putting away food, and cleaning up the sandy beach towels before this part of the house was back to normal... for about ten minutes.

It's been a very exciting summer. I'm going to take a nap now.

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