Saturday, September 5, 2015

Our First Week of School

This week was the beginning of 6th, 3rd, 2nd, and... whatever you call a four year old playing and watching Netflix "educational" TV shows.
Kaeley began 6th grade with more responsibility and some nerves to match, but after a pretty easy week she is energized and happy. She attends our church's youth group, which has provided excellent support to her maturing. She is deeply involved in the children's ministry program and can also babysit. She thrives on the extra independence and adventures.

Nathan is as smart as ever and thinks out-of-the-box often, so much so that at times I have a hard time following what he's trying to express. But he's his usual happy and caring self. He could spend the entire day playing outside and eating.

Alynna doesn't complain about school nearly as much as she did last year, so that's an improvement. After our first full school day she and I attended our YMCA's pilates class. The teacher asked her if she had started school and Alynna answered that she had started that morning. When the teacher asked if she liked her teacher Alynna just stared back in confusion. I then helped the poor child along by answering with all sincerity, "She'd better!"

Simon's picture began super cute, but then...

... he decided to go handless...

... and for some strange reason...

... his school pictures turned into a prison shot.

On this logic problem my out-of-the-box thinker was to count how many different ways he could get to his friend's house. He counted two different ways using the provided roads and then gave himself the liberty to add two more.

Monday was a great school day as we found time to finish all of the scheduled school, visit the YMCA, and end with a Dick Van Dyke and I Love Lucy.

Tuesday was equally awesome as we finished our school work, which included Science and a Starbuck's, and we met some friends at a local playground. What I mean by "met" is I had my children and I babysat an extra five! I felt quite accomplished and thankful by the end of the day as all nine children arrived home happy and safe.

Wednesday is the day I crashed and burned. I was so tired after two nights of poor sleep that my face actually ached. Alynna was in la-la land that day, which added a different ache in my head. Starbuck's was visited again, Netflix was watched so I could nap, and finally I felt my normal-ish self after lunch time.
Thursday was much better (thank You, God, for sleep) and Friday was spent at the Huntington Library. All in all I think we began 6th, 3rd, 2nd, and whatever you call a normal childhood exceptionally well and the sovereignty of the Almighty God is not lost on this imperfect mother.

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