Sunday, October 25, 2015

Alynna in a Nut Shell

I recently cleaned out my phone's hundreds of pictures. It was quite a gift to see the family's last two years summed up in a condensed amount of pictures. To chronicle the precious memories I threw as many of them in a scrapbook hodge-podge style and here are some flash backs for the family blog. Here is Alynna...

Alynna has become quite the fashionista. Both girls appreciate a well-picked hand-me-down or new item found on sale or at the thrift store. My dear friend, BEFF, does a fine job of supplying the girls' taste of funky of style.
Cotton dress with apron sewed on by Poor Pitiful Pearl and gifted by Beff. Don't miss the cat ears and cowgirl boots with ruffled sock sticking out of the tops.
Bell bottoms by the same designer and gifted by the same gift.

Alynna does not take scheduled naps, but once in a blue moon I'll find her sleeping during a quiet time or a particularly fascinating read-aloud session.

One of my favorites.

Look at her young little face! It takes a great effort to force her into a group photo and it's usually not worth it as she ends up showing the camera her sour face. Should there ever be a family picture with no Alynna know that she was near by happy to be free of conformity. Solo shots are the way to go with her. That might possibly be a red flag about her personality? Leader vs. Team Player? Moving forward, shall we?

Last we played Monopoly and the girl owned the board! She became a millionaire and many of us were in debt to this little landlord. She seemed quite bored with the success.

Last year Alynna received her own library card and was very excited about such a milestone. Where the card is now I have no idea.

Alynna's great dislike and groaning over school work has lessened a bit. One of her favorite songs is still Pink Floyd's "We Don't Need No Education". It's actually rather disturbing.

This is an Alynna original. A dinosaur.


Sometimes coloring and doodling on Math pages helps carry one through the monotony of having to do a task one really doesn't want to do. Too bad we can't do the same for group photos.
One of the best surprises I've found while correcting schoolwork.

She still has wiggly teeth from now and then and continues to punch them, pull them, yank them, or assault her mouth in some other way that is not to be shown to the faint of heart. 

This was a couple of Christmases ago. That morning she had expressed quite honestly she would like to cut her head off and replace it with a cat's head. Thankfully, that morning we found a cat-ears headband on sale. Whew!

Last year she attended a clay class through the city. It's startling how much she looks like a younger Kaeley in some of these pictures. She enjoys crafting like Kaeley as well. 

I love going on dates with just Alynna. It's fun to see her personality shine without distraction and interruptions. She's my "snuggle bunny". For some reason she calls me her "snuggle crocodile". It might possibly be because I like to nibble on her ears and her nose and her cheeks and...
She doesn't "dress up" as much as Kaeley did. I almost wish she did. It was quite the treat going to Sam's Club with butterfly wings that wouldn't fit into the cart and visiting playgrounds with the princess Belle.

Stuffed animals are one of Alynna's favorite past times. She loves Cindy the Snow Leopard (gifted by Beff's son) and Kaeley the other Snow Leopard and any tiny Beenie Boo.

But who needs a stuffed animal when you can love on one of the greatest gifts from Beff to date? Miss Clementine.
Alynna enjoyed attending Pilates with me for a while. She tried Zumba, but one was enough for her.

Now Alynna is seven years old. She still loves cat ears and dresses and stuffed animals, especially cats. She wants to be a millionaire when she grows up. The way she plays Monopoly I wouldn't put it past her.

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