Sunday, October 25, 2015

Kaeley in a Nut Shell

These pictures are really old and I might have already posted them, but to be on the safe side I'm doing it again. Here are Kaeley's hodge podge pictures from over the past two years. The above picture is so much of Kaeley. She was turning ten here (I think) and she has a few of her good friends with her, a cake, and attention. She's in seventh heaven.

She was, and still is, very much into Ever After High dolls. She jumps between hobbies: reading, dolls, and drawing.

She will often be goofy and has a sense of humor kind of like Brad (yeesh) but it's a rare thing when one can capture the silliness on camera.

One of my favorites.

Kaeley is a good worker. She's become very independent in her school work, which is a blessing. With every bit of responsibility given the girl seems to shine a little brighter.

This is from last year. Her assignment was to find out how much sugar was in a cup of cereal and compare brands. Once her eyes were opened to the sugary truth she confessed to being tempted to warn other shoppers, "Did you know that cereal has seven grams of sugar in one cup!?!"

This picture is a bit more updated. Finally she's eleven.

She volunteers in children's ministry and now babysits! She's Red Cross certified and is an excellent mother's help for $3.00 an hour.

She has become, with no help from yours truly, a beautiful artist. She did this abstract piece in our homeschool academy. It's one of my favorites.

The girl went to a sleepover and the next day she swore up and down she wasn't sleepy even though the girls had stayed up past midnight. No, she didn't need a nap. No, she wasn't tired. Ten minutes later... dead asleep.

Her love of fashion glasses continues. They are the cherry on top to a funky, smart, and artsy personality.

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