Sunday, October 25, 2015

Nathan in a Nut Shell

Isn't he so cute! Look at all those missing teeth and a forehead clear of scars.

Okay, so he's gotten a little bigger. He now has a few more teeth and a small scar on his forehead, but he's just as cute! He continues to grow into a sweet boy who loves people and exploring the world around him.

 He seems to tolerate sports for the sake of being around other people. He enjoys the time out and about, but it's not a passion, so we don't push it and in doing so we keep our weekends fairly open and quite sacred.

Nathan is wonderful with hands-on projects. It excites him and seems to relax him all at the same time. He's comfortable.

He's not too crafty or artsy, so it's a rare gem when we find a Nathan masterpiece, like this wolf.

Nathan loves, loves, loves his daddy. He loves talking with Brad, playing the computer with Brad, dressing like Brad, etc.

Nathan is a very smart young man. He is an auditory learner, as I am, and retains a lot of information when read out loud to or allowed to talk a subject through. He's currently listening to Huckleberry Finn on audiobook and he loves it.

The flatness of some school subjects, like math and reading, require Nathan to push himself to his limits and he works so hard I'm occasionally torn between laughing and crying.

His reading is improving greatly. I do pray that his confidence in himself and his abilities improves.

And Nathan loves playing. While he likes Legos he's not a big builder. He likes carrying around the figures and many a few weapons and will often build mini-creations. A perfect day for Nathan would probably include large meals and hours upon hours of playing outside with plastic animals.

Nathan loves babies and children and adults and the elderly. To sum it up, Nathan loves people. He talks to strangers, sits with the strangers, ask strangers for help when he needs it. I can't wait to see how God uses his giftings and love for people in his future.

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