Saturday, October 31, 2015

Simon in a Nut Shell... a very, very large nut shell

As I was saying... I was cleaning out the hundreds of pictures on my phone and it turns out, over the past two years, I have taken a lot of pictures of Simon. Here is Simon in a nut shell, but think big nut shell, like a cocoNUT shell.
Simon has yet to reach the age where he doesn't want to take pictures. He's getting close, but he's usually willing to show us his cuteness.

He loves watching television...
...especially when that television is Star Wars. He also likes Modern Marvels, which he calls Marvin Marbles.
He has, over the years, not varied in his deep love of the Cheerio.
And has, in the past, been skeptical over any breakfast not a Cheerio.
One of his favorite people is his daddy. He wants to go to work with Daddy and look like Daddy and be everything Daddy. That's why I made the hashtag #biggestfan.

He also likes baths. He particularly likes my occasional foot bath. I sometimes share and I sometimes decide it's just not worth it.

Thankfully he now paints on paper rather than the body. We'll see more pictures of body art later on.

Simon puts a fun spin on fashion.
And a fun spin on recycling trash.

His personality is often larger than life. He fits well into "baby of the family" role.
He can now push himself on a swing though, which has been our most recent milestone. It was rather bittersweet in my opinion.

Naps are not a necessity, but a lovely little gift a few times a week. No, he doesn't like it, but it helps us all enjoy the evenings as Simon becomes quite active, impulsive, and loud when he's tired.
Last year he got in the habit of sitting on my lap as I read out loud to the older kids. He would usually relax enough to fall asleep and I would read with him sleeping on my lap, which, as you can imagine, I just ate up!

As a true Saavedra, Simon enjoys listening to audiobooks. He likes short stories the best, like Curious George or Dr. Seuss tales.
He could probably spend hours at the playground with his siblings. Trucks are cool, but plastic animals are my children's love language. 
Our beloved chiropractor, Dr. Chang.
Simon is now water safe, so we frequented the pool a lot this summer.

Here's more fashion.

No, he can't read...
...but we could have fooled you, right? He loves books and magazines. He currently favors Richard Scarry books as the pictures are detailed and busy.
He went through a phase last year where he was actually interested in doing "school". 

He surprised the heck out of me too, but since then he believes school is all Netflix and

More body art.

He likes to draw and he likes Grandma, so most of his pictures are of Grandma.

And more body art.
Last year he mastered the tricycle and this year he moved on to the bicycle with training wheels.

Simon loves babies. I mean he loves babies. I mean, parents, watch your children when he's around. He loves babies.

Simon has had enough knocks on the head that he now seems to have a "scar" almost of a constant bump-on-the-head. He can get goose-eggs like I've never seen before! This was Easter of last year when he kissed the brick porch of the grandparent's home.
He lives life to the fullest, which means, often, that he makes a mess. This is a picture of hundreds of perler beads. The week before he had showed Alynna "fireworks" by taking handfuls of beads and throwing them into the air. Yes, after the big spill the perler beads retired for several months as I recuperated.
Here he's praying over a dead ladybug he found in the house. When God didn't answer immediately he told God he could also wait until Daddy came home. Daddy fixes "bugs", you know, by being a programmer. He also likes to pray at every meal. His prayer is always the following: Dear God, thank you for Mr. Sean and Mr. Jay and thank you that for our planet that is Earth. Amen. That's a fairly new prayer as we had to break it to him that we live on Earth and not Jupiter.

Next year he'll start Kindergarten! How that will look I'm not sure, but we'll figure it out.

Until then, I'm just thankful for this high-energy, fully-boy who we like to call the Baby Who Almost Wasn't.

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