Saturday, November 28, 2015

'Twas the Month Before Christmas

‘Twas the month before Christmas, and all through his house every creature was stressed, especially his spouse.

She decorated their home with intricate care, hoping all would be perfect. The neighbors would stare.

The littles were making their list for St. Nick; the wishes were multiplying surprisingly quick!

Three parties and one school play scheduled this week; the possibility of a night to themselves looked bleak.

Yes, this time of year was always rough, not to mention the debt to pay for all this stuff!

Later that night he tucked into bed, restless, unhappy, with a slight ache in his head.

Right before he started to snore, he realized he had forgotten another chore!

How could he forget when he had bought it himself? The Pinterest celebrity: Elf on the Shelf!

Out of his bed he did spring with a flash, with elf in hand, down the stairs did he dash!

"Where should I set this little man?" he did think, when suddenly he saw the elf wink!

Down from his hand the little man jumped, and he stood in the living room looking thoroughly stumped!

“I can see you need an explanation.” He said, “I am a figment of your imagination.”

“Oh thank goodness!” the tired man exclaimed, “I guess all this stress is to blame.”

“Why are you stressed this time of year? It’s Christmas, a month filled with all holy cheer.”

“Holy? You’re right! I think I forgot. My family fell into the bustle and we’re quite distraught!”

“You chase Pinterest perfection, but this season requires reflection!

Why, they’d been waiting centuries for the Savior’s arrival, desperately needing deliverance from His rival.

In poverty and humility, the Christ child came in order to save the World from its sin and its shame.

He entered this world with one main goal, for those who believed in Him, He saved their soul.

Greatly befuddled, to me, you seem, Christmas is more than the American Dream.

You, as a Christian, are to be set apart for God is only concerned for your heart.

Must you say yes to all the invites? Why not stay home and relax some nights?

And instead of fulfilling all your kids wishes, why not visit the homeless and serve them some dishes?

You need not completely forsake tradition, just so long as you remember your mission!”

In the morning, he woke from his dream, and presented his family with the divine scheme.

And so the family changed their ways: they slowed their pace and their great God did they praise!

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