Saturday, January 2, 2016


As the new year approached I decided this would be the first time in several years I wouldn't make resolutions, but on December 29 inspiration hit me and by the end of the night I had six goals for 2016. I can't help it. I think the excitement of a clean slate and the hope of accomplished goals runs through my veins.
One of my goals is to write on the family blog more often. It's not because I want to go viral or get published or pretend I'm more than I am. Number one inspiration is this girl right here.

Kendra. She is furiously studying in college and we only get to see her a few times a year these days and a way we connect is through the family blog.
She's not the only one. I also connect with grandparents living in Florida and a friend living in the Middle East. For mothers living locally I pray our hearts connect through the raising of families in a transparent and celebratory way.
So there you go. Kendra, I hope to blog at least once a week.
This challenge will also help build my brain power from thinking in terms of one-picture and two witty sentences that fit into a Facebook post.

The other resolutions will be brought up through out the year.

December was a whirlwind of wood-burning and all things Christmas. I spent many moments mapping out how I was going to accomplish light school and make a healthy dinner only to decide later that Wild Kratts provided the perfect Science curriculum and peanut butter sandwiches okay, so we ate carbs and sugar most of December. Once Kaeley asked, "Sandwiches again?" I said, "Honey, we're in survivor mode right now." The smartie answered, "It seems like we've been there for a while."

Christmas was fun. We spent half the day with family and the other half in pajamas in front of the television.

Brad has the week after Christmas off, so our "school" has been field trips and the family-bonding of staying home doing not much of anything. Well, I do get my spurts of frustration as my house seems to be busting at the seams with toys, games, clothes, blankets, etc. 

A few of our field trips include:

I could not wait to play laser tag with the family. It was adorable to see Simon in the garb...

...until we lost to another team and Simon spent the next five minutes crying because we lost.

Brad could have spent all day long on the go-carts.

Los Angeles Farmers Market...

We used the Christmas money Grandma sent us (Thank you, Grandma!) to live it up at our yearly farmers market trip.
We ate food from all over the world...

...drooled over the bakery items, the candy...

...the candy making...

...and the novelty items like squid in olive oil.

Brad also bought some new hot sauce. I kept the kids outside as there are sometimes questionable labels on hot sauces. When you have sauces titled "Anal Angst" and "Sphincter Shrinker" you're just asking for trouble.

The Christmas money from Pa burned a hole in their pockets and much money was spent on stickers. (Thank you, Pa!)

California Science Center... 

Kaeley built a very tall tower and then spent much effort attempting to keep her mischievous father away from it. Finally it was Simon who got close enough to "help" by pulling out a bottom block.

Blaze Pizza...

Nathan takes after me and tries to squish every flavor we've ever liked onto one pizza.

My current favorite is their BBQ chicken.

King's Harbor Church's New Year's Celebration... 

I don't know about half of these people, but there were sitting in our church and that means we spent New Year's Eve with our extended family. We've been attending KHC for ten years and the Body makes our lives rich.

A comedian entertained us...

one of my favorite babies snuggled me (#saavandersons)...

...and we rocked it hard into the new year.

There you have it, Kendra. Thanks for being my inspiration to delve myself back into the world of journaling and writing. I'll get this thing yet.

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