Saturday, January 9, 2016

Welcome Back to Real Life

Sunday mornings are my dedicated time to hide out at Starbuck's and concentrate over Bible study, listen to loud worship music through my headphones, while sipping iced coffee. This week I read for myself and worked through notes of two upcoming lessons I'm sharing at church.

The rest of Sunday was spent busying myself around the house under the false impression that I could get the house completely clean and all projects accomplished before the next day, the big day, the first day back at school. By dinner time a third of the house was acceptable, no projects had been crossed off the list, and I was slightly grumpy. However, the kitchen was stocked with meals and snacks and the laundry was finished. Of course, now it's Saturday and I have two more loads of laundry that need to be folded and put away. I'm half way between wanting the house perfectly clean for a few hours and not caring if we live in squalor, because what's the point?

That evening the family was taken to Yogurtland in 50* weather for our celebratory end-of-vacation trip. It was more of a mourning for many of us, but what goes up must go down, and what is put aside for a time must be brought to the forefront.

And so it was that Monday morning Brad left for work, and the kids and I threw ourselves back into books, mineral samples, and sharpened pencils. I had not slept well that night, which meant my humor was lacking and work-mode was intense. By 9:30am in the morning I really missed vacation. Thankfully my parents helped with school that day, because I have awesome parents, so it lightened the heavy mood of doom I had draped upon our morning.
And we survived!

That evening Alynna and I attended a Group Kick class at the YMCA. She surprised me by finishing more of the routines than I had expected. Half way through the class the sleepiness hit me hard and I no longer cared whether I did a back kick or had a flabby tummy; I just wanted to go to sleep! I was out by 10:00pm and slept heavily through the night.

When weather forecasters give us 100% chance of rain it usually presents itself in a ten minute shower and within two hours the puddles are gone and the rest of the week continues in the usual sun, but this week it rained and poured for a couple of days and most of us rejoiced.
The Saavandersons met up at McDonald's for junk food and a dry place to play.

Wednesday it rained almost all day long. Mom and Dad came over for school again, left with Kaeley, and Oliver came to play. It was a relaxed play date of marble runs, Legos, Wild Kratts, and Tylenol.

Nathan was itching to play outside in all that mud and rain. The chance of them catching cold and an entire load of laundry (after the five I had already done that day) flashed before me as I considered my options, but Nathan, with eyes wide, pathetically said, "Mommy, it's just that I have a very rare opportunity to play with my plastic animals in the..." And I didn't hear another word after "rare opportunity". So I did another load of laundry and gave two of them baths.

Pinterest provided me three winner recipes and one flop. First there was the Slow Cooker Broccoli Beef. which only Simon didn't care for, Shrimp Scampi, which Simon didn't care for. and a Breakfast Casserole, which Simon also didn't care for.
We spent many hours reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone: The Illustrated Edition. Simon was riveted. That red bump on his cheek? I have no idea how he got it, but seeing as he keeps picking off the scab I'm predicting he'll have the mark of unknown origin for months to come.

A quiet looking scene, right? You would be surprised how loudly blocks crash together. I sometimes had to yell over the racket.

Simon and I went to Ralph's for the first time in years and Simon was delighted with the experience.

And sometimes Harry Potter is just too much.

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