These pictures were taken the night before I thought I'd lose my mind. I ended up surviving, but learned the very hard lesson of having two little girls spend a lot of time together. Shayla is our little friend from church. She'll be six in July. She's a very good little girl. However, the two girls together spell GIGGLE. I never heard so much laughter over foolishness in my life! Shayla would say something, Kaeley would burst out laughing and screaming. Shayla would start laughing loudly. Kaeley would repeat what Shayla had just said. The laughter would start all over again. Then Shayla would say it again, because anything worth laughing at once is worth laughing at all over again. The bathroom talk, which I don't allow a shred of in the house, was uproariously funny to the girls. Brad once said that he thinks he has Memorial Day off, but... the girls screamed in laughter that he had said, "But". Songs about the boogieman were hilarious. Dirty diapers and underpants were fantastic entertainment. I never thought it would happen under my roof, but I finally asked them to stop giggling so much. Well, come to think of it I asked them several times. By the next morning, on the way to Bible study with the four kids, I need myself some good strong coffee and deep breathing treatments.
Last night I picked Shayla up to take the girls toy testing at the Mattel store in El Segundo. The whole thing started over again. Then I had traffic, a crying baby, two giggling, screaming girls in the back, and a two year old who kept yelling, "Hush!" or "Cup, Mommy? Cup, please? Cup?"
My lovely in-laws watched all three of my children that night and I came home to a quiet house and just sat in the silence. I felt like my ears were melting in the nothingness. It was wonderful.
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