Monday, August 30, 2010

First Day of School

First day of First Grade! I can't even tell you how many songs she made up to celebrate this day. I heard them for probably about half an hour this morning. "I feel like such a groooowwwn up! I'mmmm in first graaaade!" I won't say it didn't get a little old, but don't worry, I didn't say anything out loud.
So, this morning was our first official day back to school. I was entertained to say the least. All three got new boxes of new crayons, markers, pencils, etc. (Kaeley's box does have her name on it as well, but it's backwards in the picture.) Once they all had their shiny new supplies we went outside to take "first day" pictures. Kaeley in first, obviously. Nathan in "preschool" since he likes to do school with us too. And Alynna in... um... nursery school? They were all very proud. Then, my favorite part, they all skip back into the house to go to school. :)
Notice Alynna is attending school in undies. Thankfully this is part of the dress code. Later she broke rules by losing the undies, but the principal decided to look the other way.
this morning we started with Bible. It started out nicely with all three coloring, yes, even Alynna, and she was coloring on paper! Hurray! Kaeley was so excited about the day she'd shoot her hand up in the air. What can you do? I called on her and she would pipe, "Um, Teacher..." Later on in the day she began calling me "Mommy" again, thankfully. Nathan would communicate as usual: in questions. "Um, Mommy? Why dey do dat? Why he take dat truck? What dat called?" Alynna, once she had happily scribbled in every page of the coloring book, she left the table to play, later went into the bathroom, hauled back her little potty seat all the way from the bathroom into the kitchen where we were now doing Math. Somewhere around there we lost her undies and I pretended I didn't notice the bare bottom shaking around the kitchen chairs.
During Math Alynna managed to color on herself before I took away the purple marker, the place mat before I took the pencil away, and then colored on the bucket holding the markers. That's when she was "excused", or pushed, out of Math.
We then read out loud for almost an hour before going to the park.
The morning went very well. I was happy to be back in the middle of routine, learning, teaching, bare bottom chaos.
I love schooling at home!

1 comment:

Toni Alexis said...

The kids look so cute and Kaeley looks so grown up.