Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Follow My Leader

In school we're reading a book called Follow My Leader. It was written in 1957 by James Garfield. I don't know if it's true, but it's about a boy named Jimmy who has an accident at age 11 and becomes blind. He know has to learn how to live as a blind individual. Kaeley and I are learning a ton about what blind people have to do on a regular basis. Jimmy learns to see with his other "eyes": his feet, his fingers, his ears, and so on. Right now Jimmy is in school learning how to live with a guide dog. I wish we had a school nearby in which we could tour. It's quite interesting.
Anyway, we read about Jimmy having to cut food by himself and eat. It was pretty tricky. He speared his plate with his fork and brought nothing up to his mouth. Then he cut, brought the fork to his mouth, and had the entire steak! I decided to blindfold Kaeley to give her an idea of what it might be like to be blind. It was a very short lesson. She had a few strawberries in a bowl, which were easy to eat. Oh well. Maybe I'll serve steak tonight.

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