Tuesday, August 3, 2010

In the Hotel

After the wharf adventure we came home and let the kids watch a movie. They didn't make it through the whole movie, because someone, usually Alynna, was always touching someone who didn't want to be touched. We turned it off close to our usual bedtime hour, and said good night. Mind you, they just had lollipops and they're all sick with a slight cold.
Alynna was so rambunctious that she was driving the two older ones almost to tears. She was blowing raspberries on any exposed flesh, using body parts as pillows, and playing puppy dog on the bed. I finally had to bring her in bed with us and hold her down until she fell asleep. Before I lay down with her I brought her into the bathroom. The girl was running around in circles! It didn't take as long as I thought it would for her to fall asleep. Thank You, God!
Once they were all asleep Brad and I watched our movie. We also closed our eyes around our usual bedtime hour. We closed them. I think we both opened our eyes every half hour of the night. The kids didn't sleep well either. Someone was always coughing, Alynna lost her pacifier twice, Nathan couldn't sleep and would whisper at indecent hours of the night. I think we all averaged about four hours of sleep last night. It was awful!
Traveling with Kids Tips:
1. Don't feed the baby lollipops any where close to bedtime.
2. Don't expect to sleep well.
3. If you own a small straight jacket bring it. You'll need it!
4. Take hope! Joy comes in the morning... it might be after a hot shower and a good breakfast, but it will come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the Kids are having a great time! As for you and Brad, it sounds like you;ll need a vacation at home when you arrive. Have a safe ride home. Mom