Sunday, September 12, 2010

Alynna's Two Years Old!

Her Favorite Activity: Eating. Playing dolls with Kaeley. Playing with Nathan. Playing in the sand. Pushing Mommy's nice wicker baskets around on the carpet until they all have holes in the bottom. Playing "cats and dogs" with Nathan and Kaeley.
She also likes coloring. So far her list of things colored on includes: face, hands, arms, bathroom counter, toilet paper, kitchen counter, place mat, Tupperware, bucket, baby blanket tag, bedroom walls, living room walls, and the list continues to grow. For the first time in my parenting career I would suggest Color Wonder if you'll looking to buy her a present. :)
Her Personality: Usually very happy and easy going unless you're Nathan and just grabbed from her in which case she will bite! In the morning she bounces around and screams, "I sleep! I sleep!"
Currently potty training. Often likes to tell me after the fact. Very interested in wearing panties.
Against her will she is being slowly weaned off the pacifiers at nap and night time. I've always heard that you simply cut the tips off the nipple to take away the pleasure of a pacifier, so I followed wise counsel. I guess we have a serious addict on our hands, because even though she admits that they're "boke" she continues to use them.
She is a delight to us. She truly lives up to her name as a light. She has changed so much in the past year and in many ways I am very, very thankful. She doesn't usually scream so loud anymore that my ears ring in pain. Believe me, I'm sighing with gratitude and relief! She loves doing "school" with Kaeley and Nathan. That usually includes a potty seat, a bare bottom, and Mommy's constant attention to where the markers are at every moment.

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