Sunday, September 12, 2010

Celebrating the Birthday

For her birthday the family gave her Minnie Mouse undies. She was so excited about them she wanted to bring them with us to church and ended up wearing one on top of her diapers. Yes, mixed messages.
We also took her to Toys R Us to pick out a toy. That is the last time I bring a two year old to a toy store and ask them to choose one. We were there until I told Brad to take over and get us out of here. He gave her a doll and a shopping cart, which was in the box, to choose from. She might have chosen the shopping cart if she had understood what we were offering to her, however, she picked up the box, said no, and put it back on the shelf. So it's the doll. I offered it to her when we got home and she again said no. Sigh. Yeah, she's two. She says no a lot. A lot!
Her grandparents treated us to Chuck E. Cheese for lunch. She had a great time dumping tokens in machines with any kind of button to push. She "donated" a couple of tokens to Mommy so she could play Skeeball. She is so generous.

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