Saturday, October 13, 2012

All in a Typical Day

There haven't been many posts lately, because there hasn't been much to post about. Our days have been a lot the usual. It's been lovely! Ever since we started school we've been on a roll! We spend many days at home chugging away in Reading, Writing, and 'Rithmetic. Here are some pictures of a typical morning. We always start with Bible. I will get a special toy for Alynna and Simon to play with while Kaeley and Nathan work with me on the writing and reading and math, if we can get it all in. Alynna is always welcome to play and then join us for school and go back to playing.  

I was taking a picture of Alynna, but Simon obviously thought he was super cute and should be in the photo as well. I have to say he was right.

School is getting much easier with the baby. He's no longer much of a baby though, is he? Sigh. It's been a joy to have him be a bit more independent and yet still nee to be babied.

This morning he was getting a bit loud, so I gave him a smoothie. He drank quite a bit of it while sitting in the corner, but it didn't last too long. I finally gave in to his begging and opened the school cabinet. There so many horribly messy toys for him to get into, which is why I don't usually open the doors. I gave him an activity of beads and pipe cleaners. That bought me a good ten minutes!

I was having a great time capturing the precious moments through out our day. I tried taking a picture of the math students, but it doesn't quite look natural. :)

I love a good series like this. I love my life.

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