Thursday, April 24, 2014

My Happiest Place on Earth

Where else can you go and find a slice off a compost pile? No wonder this is one of my favorite places to be!
This particular trip my generous mother-in-law watched Simon all day so I could go garden without worry.

My job this trip was to harvest peas and fava beans. It was a small plot of land, so I didn't expect it to take too long. Rookie! I was there for hours searching for pea pods and fava beans that were large enough to harvest. Hours! However, since the children with me were old enough to take care of themselves I had hours (nearly) of quiet time. My soul drank it in.

The girls would go play and then come back for a snack of raw peas and beans. They sat and watched the pigs while they munched. Entertainment at its purest.

At noon we attended the daily Bible and prayer reading. Here Farmer Randy helps Nathan read the little words in a short poem.

Kaeley and Nathan befriended two children of a tour guide and they played the rest of the day together. Kaeley and the girl began writing and illustrating a book, they climbed bales of hay, and played hide and seek in the broccoli patch.
Here Nathan captured Kaeley's friend and as they pretended their war out they would grab broccoli off the stalks before they would run off.
After the hours at the peas and fava beans I harvested purple bunching onions. 

A selfie of just me and my onions.

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